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Why Android Will Always Be Laggier Than iOS

Why Android Will Always Be Laggier Than iOS

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Time Log Collection with Fluentd and MongoDB

Time Log Collection with Fluentd and MongoDB

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Moving from SVN to Git in 1,000 easy steps!

Moving from SVN to Git in 1,000 easy steps!

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The biggest name in datacenter management you never heard of

The biggest name in datacenter management you never heard of

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The Top & Bottom

LukeW | Steve Jobs: The Top & Bottom

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Quotes from Steve Jobs Lost Interview

Quotes from Steve Jobs Lost Interview

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How Spotify Works | Pansentient League – a Spotify Blog

Spotify Technology: How Spotify Works | Pansentient League – a Spotify Blog

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Developer creates proxy server for Siri, controls thermostat with his voice (video)

Developer creates proxy server for Siri, controls thermostat with his voice (video)

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Richard Dawkins on our “queer” universe | Video on

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A Beginner’s Resource Guide

Getting Started With jQuery: A Beginner’s Resource Guide

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3 New Time-Saving Technologies

3 New Time-Saving Technologies

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@irr, 10/31/11 8:29 AM

Ivan Ribeiro (@irr)
10/31/11 8:29 AM
Ubuntu 11.10: Xen vs. KVM vs. VirtualBox

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AWS Free Usage Tier

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Giving Kick-Ass Presentations In The Age Of Social Media

Giving Kick-Ass Presentations In The Age Of Social Media

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Cloud video editor WeVideo unleashes premium, commercial offerings

Cloud video editor WeVideo unleashes premium, commercial offerings

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PayPal softens its stance on NFC as it pitches retailers

PayPal softens its stance on NFC as it pitches retailers

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Researchers Flood Facebook With Bots, Collect 250GB Of User Data

Researchers Flood Facebook With Bots, Collect 250GB Of User Data

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Cerveja em todas as refeições

Aprenda a cozinhar com a bebida pratos bacanas para o almoço, o jantar e até o café da manhã

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Will Your Next Server Be Designed by Facebook?

Will Your Next Server Be Designed by Facebook?

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The Rise of the Polyglot Cloud

Heroku CEO Byron Sebastian: The Rise of the Polyglot Cloud

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How To Build A Site That Looks Great On Every Screen

How To Build A Site That Looks Great On Every Screen

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What’s The Right Thing To Do?

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Duck Hunt JS

Duck Hunt JS

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Dream Theater – Octavarium TAB

Check out this video on YouTube:

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What’s new in Cassandra 1.0: Performance

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The Shoulders Steve Jobs Stood On

Dennis Ritchie: The Shoulders Steve Jobs Stood On

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reflections, grievances and some tenuous metaphors bundled up into a weighty tome

Four months with Android: reflections, grievances and some tenuous metaphors bundled up into a weighty tome

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Facebook & Google Are Doing It Wrong

4chan’s Chris Poole: Facebook & Google Are Doing It Wrong

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Google debuts Dart, a new programming language for the web

Google debuts Dart, a new programming language for the web

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Datafiniti builds a webscale search engine for data

Datafiniti builds a webscale search engine for data

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Guy Kawasaki – Google+ – (Sat01) What I Learned From Steve Jobs Many people have …

Guy Kawasaki – Google+ – (Sat01) What I Learned From Steve Jobs Many people have…

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Free textures for your next web project

Free textures for your next web project

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Steve Jobs Was Always Kind To Me (Or, Regrets of An Asshole)

Steve Jobs Was Always Kind To Me (Or, Regrets of An Asshole)

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Sent from my iPhone

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Sent from my iPhone

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