Google Wants To Speed Up The Web With Its QUIC Protocol | TechCrunch.
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viaHow to optimize Raspberry Pi code using its GPU « Pete Warden’s blog.
ROBOT Raspberry ZUMO
SkyDNS (Or The Long Road to Skynet) – DNS
Eight Reasons Why Hosting Companies Fail
Eight Reasons Why Hosting Companies Fail
Your Account · Q-Sensei FeedBooster
Your Account · Q-Sensei FeedBooster.
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Gênios da Inglaterra
SCRUM: The Story of an Agile Team | Nettuts+
Create a minimalistic design.
Create a GUI mockup.
Use TDD or ensure that there are unit tests.
Write the code.
Let another team member manually test your story.
The whole system can be built and compiled with the new code.
Functional or acceptance tests pass as expected, after the new code is integrated into the system.
The Scrum Guide
The Definitive Guide to Scrum:
The Rules of the Game
Startups, this is how design works
OpenStack Basics – Overview – YouTube
…younger employees do not wish to get paid merely for working hard—just the reverse: they will work hard because they enjoy their environment and the challenges associated with their work…. Executives who embrace this new management style are attracting and retaining better employees.
viaTop Executive Recruiters Agree There Are Only Three True Job Interview Questions – Forbes.
Fujitsu Stylistic 3500 Tablet PC
- Every meeting must have one clear decision maker. If there’s no decision maker — or no decision to be made — the meeting shouldn’t happen.
- No more than 10 people should attend.
- Every person should give input, otherwise they shouldn’t be there.
- No decision should ever wait for a meeting. If a meeting absolutely has to happen before a decision should be made, then the meeting should be scheduled immediately.