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Rig Rundown – Dream Theaters John Myung
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For many years I worked in palliative care. My patients were those who had gone home to die. Some incredibly special times were shared. I was with them for the last three to twelve weeks of their lives…
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About Harpoon Brewery
viaAbout Harpoon Brewery – Harpoon Brewery – Brewers of Harpoon IPA and UFO Hefeweizen.
Ingredients for CROISSANT RECIPE :
1.5lb milk / 680g lait
1 tsp dry yeast / Cuillère à café levure boulangere
2 lbs flour / 900g farine
5 oz sugar / 150g sucre
salt / sel
20oz butter / 600g beurre
bittersweet chocolate / couverture
1 egg, 2 yolks / 1 oeuf, 2 jaunes
water, eau
Ingredients for CROISSANT RECIPE :
1.5lb milk / 680g lait
1 tsp dry yeast / Cuillère à café levure boulangere
2 lbs flour / 900g farine
5 oz sugar / 150g sucre
salt / sel
20oz butter / 600g beurre
bittersweet chocolate / couverture
1 egg, 2 yolks / 1 oeuf, 2 jaunes
water, eau
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