At the OpenStack Summit in Barcelona one of our trail-blazing customers – BBVA bank – showcased how they are leveraging the Nuage Networks Virtualized Cloud Services (VCS) solution to deliver next-generation infrastructure provisioning services using OpenStack on top of Kubernetes. The video recording of this talk – called “Next Generation Overlay for Kubernetes and OpenStack†is …
Categoria: great stuff
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Cloud Native Landscape Sent from my iPad
By simply employing a platform that is continuously monitoring, recording, assessing and alerting you to changes within your environment, we reduce/remove the guess work out of determining good or bad changes. It removes the human element. It can prevent or, at the very least, minimize costly outages by understanding what changed, when the change was made, and “who†made the change.
Yet, this basic pillar of IT and Security Management is taken for granted or considered addressed. I mean we have CABs, we have ticketing systems, and we have strict policies in place, right?
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Live From The Field Sent from my iPhone
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Microservices and Service Discovery
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FacebookTwitterLinkedIn Introduction Deep Learning is a new area of Machine Learning research that has been gaining significant media interest owing to the role it is playing in artificial intelligence applications like image recognition, self-driving cars and most recently the AlphaGo vs. Lee Sedol matches. Recently, Deep Learning techniques have become popular in solving traditional Natural Language Processing problems like Sentiment Analysis. For those of you that are new to the topic of Deep Learning, we have put together a list of ten common terms and concepts explained in simple English,SEE DETAILS
Fonte: 10 Deep Learning Terms Explained in Simple English – AYLIEN
In a previous blog post we talked about the key technologies that we used in developing the Netsil Application Operations Center (AOC)…
Fonte: A Comparison of Time Series Databases and Netsil’s Use of Druid
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See one writer’s take on Scala — how it came about, where it succeeded, and how it’s declining.
SDN and NFV: Friends or Enemies Sent from my iPad
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Containers: economically, they appear to be a better option than hardware virtualization
From Cloud of Insights, a Flipboard magazine by Dana Gardner
Virtualization economics The primary economic benefit of traditional server virtualization is the ‘sweating of…
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Kubernetes 1.4: One DevOps tool to rule all the containers
From Cloud of Insights, a Flipboard magazine by Dana Gardner
There are other DevOps programs for container management, but Kubernetes is quickly becoming the best of them all. Containers, such as…
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Gene Kim’s 7 secrets of DevOps success
From Cloud of Insights, a Flipboard magazine by Dana Gardner
The bottom line WHAT: DevOps is going mainstream as large, complex organizations credit DevOps with IT transformation. WHY: Outdated methods of IT services…
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Check out this video on YouTube: Sent from my iPad Sent from my iPad Sent from my iPad
Machine Learning – VideoLectures.NET Sent from my iPhone
What Is Agile? – Forbes
Fonte: What Is Agile? – Forbes Sent from my iPhone Sent from my iPad
SaaS in 2016: The key trends | ZDNet
Software as a Service offers irresistible benefits for organizations of all sizes — from cost savings to scalability to mobile accessibility. We offer guidance on avoiding the pitfalls of the cloud and choosing your SaaS partners well.
Uber Engineering explains the technical reasoning behind its switch in database technologies, from Postgres to MySQL.
Fonte: Why Uber Engineering Switched from Postgres to MySQL – Uber Engineering Blog
Major Tom
Cheryl: I wanted to tell you, that song “Major Tom” and that beard guy… he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That song is about courage and going into the unknown. It’s a cool song.
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KNIME | Churn Prediction
Workflows and data are available in the EXAMPLES server under 50_Applications/_18_Churn_Prediction The Churn Prediction Problem Typical information that is available about customers concerns demographics, behavioral data, revenue information. At the time of renewing contracts, some customers do and some do not: they churn.
Fonte: KNIME | Churn Prediction